
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Starting our day with a Saint, The Daily Readings and a Prayer…

I moved my main computer into the school room this year. It has made life easier for all. It’s one less thing to leave the school room for. We have been starting our day off with the daily readings and Saint of the day. With a click of my mouse, I can be at the these great sites that I found this summer!  I have them paged in my favorites under a special tab called, "everyday". It took me awhile to realize I could make new tabs in favorites, it makes navigation SO much easier.  There is an audio button for both the Saint of the day, and the daily readings so we “listen” instead of read. It is another voice besides mom’s. We both enjoy the change. Don‘t get me wrong… I love giving them mommalies (as they call them), but the break is nice for all.   I usually do a google search in images for the picture of the saint that we are listening to. Those visual images are so helpful. There is also an explanation video for further thought for the daily readings, if time allows. Several times we have done this on the laptop, at the table right after breakfast, so that my older daughter can join us before she leaves for her college classes.  I recommend starting your day this way...with a saint , the daily readings and a prayer.

There are several choices for sites out there, we use:

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